Sunday, January 26, 2020

Hibernation Envy

This young man has the right idea -- I want to hibernate for at least three months from January through March. A few quick reasons:

1. Driving to/from work in the dark scares me to death and the number of crazy, nasty, ugly drivers inches from my tail far outnumber any nice ones (if there are any).

2. The endless amount of time computers add to our lives makes everything take longer. Seriously, didn't you get more done when every last piece of paperwork in your life wasn't password protected? And do you NEED to be at the computer in a house that is barely adequately warm when you could be curled up on the couch reading with your cat purring in your lap?

3. Walking to the mailbox is a complete chore after dark, which comes way too quickly after 4 in the afternoon.

4. My husband slipped on the ice on our driveway this week and dislocated his shoulder. That's at least $5,000 worth of medical bills we didn't need and can't afford. Wouldn't have happened if we were hibernating.

5. Food bills are ridiculous. If you were asleep for three months of the year, you could avoid them.

So okay, we're not able to hibernate, but WHY do we have to go anywhere in winter (unless we really, really want to?) I know you're going to tell me to move to a warmer climate but I can't right now, so why can't we have a new rule that you get to hibernate (physically or metaphorically) if you live in a colder state?

I know. You can tell I'm in a mood. But you would be too if you were me.

Since you aren't, I hope you're keeping warm, wherever you are. If I wake up in time for next week, hopefully I'll be a little less out of sorts (and a little closer to spring). And it will be a little lighter at 7 a.m. or at 5:30 in the evening.

Or I'll have figured out how to hibernate.

Hibernating boy photo: Jane Rahman


  1. I feel exactly the same way about winter. You're not alone.

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate you saying so, Lydia!


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