Sunday, February 16, 2020

Cat Philosophy

Outside a restaurant tonight, my husband and I saw about 7 or 8 cats, in various poses, waiting for food I guess? It reminded me of trips to the Turnpike Diner, my dad's favorite restaurant when I was growing up. He absolutely loved diners and I remember the cats hanging out in the back.
Maybe this would bother some people? It would bother me a lot more if mice or rats were outside, but cats are so beautiful, and they catch mice, and besides all that I have a cat, so it doesn't bother me at all.

Another thing I realized when watching my own cat at the vet's the other day, sniffing everything while she walked around the office: cats (and other animals) are all about staying alive. Everything they do (even though cats don't show it) is about survival, taking care of themselves and/or getting someone to take care of them. (They are charmingly good at that).

So very different from humans, I have never seen an animal that's self destructive in the way people are. We know X, Y, Z is really bad for us, but we do it, over and over again. Whether it's a relationship or an addiction (and I get that addictive substances make your brain light up, so that's a hard one), or violence, humans seem to gravitate to the darker side. 

Whereas that would never occur to an animal. And that makes me sad they have to share the planet with us.

Makes for good fiction, though. I guess we're good for some things, huh?

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