Sunday, May 22, 2022

Octopus Prize

Friends who know me well know I'm a headline hunter, hungry for headlines that don't necessarily make me stop and read-- but DO have a chance of sparking a conversation (and even better, a brief one.)

First prize headline this week:

Octopuses torture and eat themselves after mating (and scientists finally know why)

Don't we all? (Torture and eat ourselves, not knowing why)?

Other headlines catching my eye right now:

Why the Depp-Heard trial is so much worse than you realize

Nope. No. I already realize. Can't read.

Is Garlic Getting Easier to Peel? A Slate Investigation

Does this mean it's time for Tik Tok?

4 Healthy Eating Habits Tom Cruise Follows To Feel Great at 59

1. Money 2. Money 3. Money 4. Money

But the Octopus Prize for all headlines this week goes to

Putin losing power, Russia officials think Ukraine war is lost 

I'm in. Completely.

Octopus photo: Ed Bierman

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