Sunday, December 18, 2022

Frying Holiday

I'm writing this on the first day before the first evening of Hanukkah, knowing there is brisket and potato pancakes (aka latkes), in my future. There's also a menorah with it's very first candle (and helper candle, so it isn't completely alone).

A friend asked me today if Hannukah is a big gift-giving holiday like Christmas, and I said here and there it can be. Mostly, though, I think there is more emphasis on gatherings and small gifts (think grab-bags at parties and chocolate coins called "Hanukkah gelt").

What's interesting to me is the way Hanukkah (and Passover, New Year's and numerous other holidays in every culture) use food to illustrate these holidays' observances.  (There are fasting days, too, but I don't want to think about those).

I once read somewhere that Judaism is the sanctification of small moments - and liked that. But the holidays show how it sanctifies the big ones, too.

Example: the story of the Hanukkah miracle involves finding enough oil for only one night when the Hebrews took their Temple back from its conquering army. As a child I learned the oil burned for eight nights until the Temple was entirely purified. And as every Jewish child (and adult) knows, that's why  we eat latkes; to remember the miracle of that long-ago oil.

What I don't know is why potatoes were chosen as the holiday symbol (even though yes, they are delicious, and so is every minute you spend eating them.) On the other hand, there are a lot of friend foods out there that don't get to be part of this holiday.

But could they?

I mean, what about falafel? Isn't that just as tasty (more tasty) than potatoes? Or the fried zucchini fritters in this photo (aHA!)

Which brings me to another quesition: If you celebrate Hanukkah by adding other fried dishes besides latkes to your table, what are they? My Israeli friend Diane let me know I forgot to mention the traditional sufganiyot (doughnuts with jelly filling), which are more popular than latkes in Israel (wow!)

But for those trying to stay away from sugar - what else would you add?

I'd love to know, because it's the one and only time each year I allow mywelf to eat fried foods. Send me a comment - and a recipe?? -- if you have one to share.

Fried Food Photo by Max Griss on Unsplash

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