Sunday, January 6, 2019

Doing January

Sixth day of January, which is my least favorite month. In childhood, January meant vacation and holiday time were over and I had to go to school in the cold. It meant dark comes early and you can't be outside walking or talking or throwing a ball around.

As an adult, I like January even less than I did in childhood, if that's possible. And the house I love that my husband and I just bought in summer doesn't do a very good job of being heated. So there's that.

Look on the bright side, I try to tell myself, but I'm not doing a very good job of that. Maybe what I need to do is stop fighting it?

January makes you want to sit on the couch more and write less, and I would like to turn that around. It makes me want to eat more and sleep more, neither of which turns out very well.

But maybe sitting on the couch can be paired with reading, which will at least inspire me to write more. And there are a lot of great books out there.

Maybe meeting friends on days I am out already will bring me to a place where I can be careful about ordering and have fun at the same time.

I don't want to make snowmen or learn to downhill ski and my cross country skis aren't inspiring me right now, and the idea of snow shoes also makes me want to say no.

I do have an indoor bike and there are malls to walk - and in fact my husband says he will go with me.

Maybe that's a start?

The fact is, I can't do much about January in this cold, bitter climate. But I can still do January in my own way. And last week, we did get lucky, because we found a mall that had a carousel right in the middle of it.

So after walking that mall, we took a little carousel ride, and it turned out to be worth the ride out to the mall in the cold.

Twenty five more days to go for this month and all I have to fight it are books and one carousel.

You know what?

I'll take it.

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