Sunday, March 29, 2020

Deer Ones

Are you feeling a little, um, SCREAMY right now? (I ask because I am). 

I guess what's really getting to me is not the BIG thing. It's a bunch of little ones. Is it always that way? I don't know.

Never mind the pandemic, she says. Here's what's driving me crazy today:

  • Getting up early on a weekend to drive around looking for supplies like toilet paper, wipes, hand sanitizer (forget it), paper towels and alcohol. Husband tried first, then I tried. Between us we found a few things. (If you are hoarding toilet paper, you are NOT my friend.
  • Being scared by... grocery shopping! Could I ever have imagined that while watching every horror movie in the world? But that's what I'm feeling right now. Was I less than six feet away from that lady who just scooted by me? Of course not. Did someone with the virus touch that pear? Can I stop driving myself crazy for seven seconds? Apparently not.
  • Washing hands, washing hands again, cleaning the counter, disinfecting sponges in the microwave, washing the floor, washing containers and packaging when I get home from the grocery store.
"As if we weren't neurotic enough," my husband says.

I nod and laugh, and we both laugh, and then start washing our hands again. 

I try not to worry about my son and his fiance in New York and whether all this virus stuff will be behind us (Satan) in time for their August wedding.

I try not to worry about all my family and friends in New York and how they're getting through this. I want to go see them in April and have a plane ticket, even though everyone (including my son) is telling me it's best to cancel it. I haven't been able to yet. I just haven't been able to make the call.

I try not to worry about all my friends and neighbors (especially the older ones) and all the people I know in theater and restaurant work who have been laid off and are struggling to pay rent. 

I would go for a walk but it's pouring. 

Deep breath. 

Last night, 2 a.m. 

My husband told me he got up for a moment and looked out the window. Four deer were on the lawn eating the dried out bits of garden in our front yard. 

I am not going to worry about whether or not they're eating up the first spring shoots of flowers or plants. I just love that we have deer out there.

I'm hoping to get up tonight so I can see them. Because even one tiny ray of pretty in a world full of screamy will make me feel better.

That's all I want right now. Well, not all. But I'll take it. 


  1. You're in my thoughts. Did you get to see the first flowers of the year?

  2. Not much out here yet - but I hope to soon! Thank you for thinking of me!


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