Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Half and Half

Thinking of that Grateful Dead song about what a long, strange trip it's been. Family sagas continue, here and there, and though I am grateful for family I could do without the sagas (even though mine are relatively minor compared to some).

At the moment I am trying hard to think of the best advice I've ever gotten about people.

Here's where I arrived.

Every person - all of us - is half starlight (or something else that's brilliant, shining, artful and graceful) and half excrement. 

The first half is figurative. the last part literal.

Knowing both are in there should be more humbling than it is. Often it's not.

At the same time, that sh-t can sneak up on you when you least expect it.


Keep the starlight in your back pocket. You never know when the other stuff will show up and you want to have something interesting to say when you get out of the bathroom.

That's all she wrote. Today.

Half and Half photo: Judith Jackson

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