Five stars
You may know my book was published by Koehler Books - which houses many talented authors. From time to time, I want to introduce you to a Koehler author, and hope to do more of that in the coming year. Today, my focus is on author Elizabeth Cottrell's new book, Heartspoken.
Book Review: Heartspoken
I used to love writing notes and then stopped as many of us did the more we digitalized our lives. Elizabeth Cottrell makes the case that we've lost not only the personal touches between us, but our own personalities in this digital age. Her prescription: come back to writing real notes that convey real emotions. A counter-revolutionary and at the same time revolutionary thought that has my vote.
In gentle, warm and personal prose, she sets out to encourage and show readers how they too can create affecting, moving and inspiring notes - and how just that simple act can create lasting connections. I'm so happy I read this - and have certainly taken it to heart.
I say this not only because of the fact that most of us don't write personal notes any more, but also because we've lost so much social time with friends and family -- even neighbors - due to the pandemic. Some of us are still not venturing out due to immunosuppressants or other reasons.
That's where notes come in -- and I know for myself, I am always excited to get one in the mail. The older adults I know certainly are as well, especially if they live in larger buildings.
After years and years writing her own notes, Cottrell knows how to write briefly while touching on what matters most to the peole she wants to reach. As such, she is sharing an important skill with all of us-- in a book that will entertain and motivate you.
About the Author
Elizabeth's circuitous career has taken her from published leprosy researcher to stay-at-home mother, to community activist and leader serving on nonprofit and corporate boards, to ham radio operator, to freelance writer/editor and blogger at Above all, she is a connector and encourager whose expertise and passion for note writing is coming at just the right time to a world made keenly aware by pandemic that we humans are hardwired for connection. What better way to connect when we're forced to stay apart physically? Elizabeth is the right person at the right time to help readers find their own heartspoken voice and learn to harness this powerful tool for nurturing their most precious relationships.
Thank you for this lovely review, Jenna -- I so appreciate that you captured its spirit and intention so well. I never wanted it to be perceived as "preaching" -- only encouragement and support for anyone who wants to write notes more easily and with greater impact.