Sunday, January 22, 2023

Heating Up

Short post today - the subject is heat. Starting in November I go into permanently cold mode and don't get out of until spring, meaning LATE spring. Seeing all the snow outside makes me even colder.

We have a rule right now about not going over 67 degrees (which feels much colder in here, btw). What I'm thnking about (besides the fact that it's snowing) is something a friend told me about solar heating. 

I'm going to explore it - even though I can't understand how they possibly do it here (in the upper midwest, which I think of right now as the frozen north).

Still, they apparently can, because she signed up for it and now her electric bills are much lower than mine. Yes, there are a hundred other things I could talk about, but if you were me, you would be thinking of heating your house up, too.

When my husband and I discussed what could be happening to our electric bills a few months back, we were in the "family room," which used to be a garage. It remains the coldest room in the house, and we use a space heater in there to sit around, watch TV, and play with the cat.

My idea was to get a second TV for the guest room, which at least has a queen size mattress and good blankets, and go in there (with the cat) when it starts getting darker and colder. We brought the TV home in November and I haven't regretted it since.

Because just the idea of being in a bed with my darlin, under covers, makes me feel warmer. Which is, I supposed, about the mind, like everything else.

Just my solution to a higher heating bill, as I sit looking out the window at a January snowstorm.

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