Sunday, January 15, 2023

Phoning It In


Everyone says we are so dependent on them (the understatement of the century) but no one does anything about it. And I understand. I do. My husband hates using computers because they are time consuming and he's on the road so much as a truckdriver. A phone is the perfect way to stay in touch with the world.

Do you really need to stay in touch with the world and the news cycle and social media and your friends and Spotify every single day

Well, yeah. At least with Spotify.

On the other hand, as Tevye the Milkman would say in his Sholom Aleichem stories - do we really need phones that remove us from the real world (and real conversatons) while following our every move? Good point, Tevye. Worth listening to while I share a little story with you.

One of my husband's many endearing characteristics is his love for old black and white movies and TV shows from the 1930s and 40s: film noir by Orson Welles or Bringing Up Baby (my favorite Katherine Hepburn film) or Father Knows Best (which I've started watching, mainly because of the young woman (Betty)? in it.

When the movie-TV show phone rings and someone answers, my husband says: "I miss those days!" That always makes me laugh because he wasn't alive then. But then he says, "You didn't have to worry about losing your phone because you always knew where it was -- attached to the wall!"

And of course, Lorraine, there was a time when phones, aka landlines, were indeed attached to the wall, with long curly cords and electric cords. You didn't need to charge them. And when you wanted to talk to someone about something REALLY important, you could make a time to see them, and talk in person.

I'm not saying Zoom isn't a great invention for a pandemic age. But as you know in your dark little heart (or light heart, as the case may be), in person is a better, even superior way to talk to someone. In fact, we were meant to do it, which is why people rush onto airplanes whenever they have more than a few days to be with family or friends.

So. Phones. 

I just got one, and I love it, but I have to say I love the idea of not having one, too. 

On the other hand, Tevye, would it be so terrible if I had one that's attached to the wall with a long, curly cord?

I also love the idea of not having to spend $500 just to get a phone that works for my purposes. And one day-- if I die and go to heaven and it turns out it's an old movie or TV show, that old landline may be right there on my wall, waiting for me. I'll pick it up and you'll be on the other end, and we'll decide it's easier and more fun to meet up with each other.

And guess what? We will.

Photo: Mike Meyers on Unsplash

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