Sunday, February 3, 2019

Polar Vortex Blues

So you know, if you are in the Midwest, how ridiculously cold it was this week. I worked from home most days, because I'm a writer and I can. But our mail was actually cancelled - a first for me -- and my husband, who drives an 18 wheeler in the city, was actually told to stay home for two days.


Truckers do not stay home. But their trucks weren't working the way they should. So there you are. (I should say we are.)

Parents also had to decide how to work because schools were called off throughout the state and Midwest. And while some people are insisting this means there's no global warming, I think the opposite.

I think scientists do, too. My friend Janet sent me an article that explains exactly why our Polar Vortex is occurring. And unfortunately, it makes perfect sense to me.

In another blog, I talked about something my son said to me. He was afraid he would be the last generation because of what humans are doing to the environment. I worry about that too, and this week made those worries even clearer.

On the other hand, I'm trying (though I've never been good at it) to be an optimist. And even though scientists have moved the "disaster clock" so it's two minutes to midnight, and there's a lot of grim news about where we're heading with the environment, I am hopeful that Millennials and younger generations will stop the doomsday scenarios coming at us and get themselves elected soon; so they and we can have more ability to turn things around.

Because, Virginia, global warming/climate change really does exist. Pretending it doesn't is like saying there's no such thing as serial killers. And climate change is, in fact, a very effective one.

And because I'm not the only one experiencing weather extremes (hello Houston, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Diego, Miami, Puerto Rico, New York, etc., etc.)  I'm sharing a few websites and articles for you to share with kids, friends, and everyone else you know:

Endangered earth website

Al Gore's Climate Reality Project

Kids' Health: You and the Environment

Photo: mine

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  1. It's been very cold here in Toronto as well. To think that we have about two more months until warm weather arrives!

    1. I know - I stop a lot and say "why do I live here, exactly?" :) But I've always wanted to see Toronto - I have heard it's beautiful.


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