Monday, April 25, 2022

Sunday Night Drama

 I was a slug this week - visiting relatives in New York. I had a wonderful time seeing family! The trip back, though, was a bit of an ordeal.

On the other hand, I am trying to school myself to be more positive about experiences that aren't (seemingly) much to write home about.

It was exceedingly windy in Minneapolis, so they delayed our flight by close to an hour. Most of the flight was uneventful but as we neared the Cities, the pilot said he was being asked to circle the airport.

Sunday night is not my favorite night to be out circling, of course. Though the pilot promised we'd only be circling for 20 minutes, I couldn't help wanting to be OFF that plane. 

Twenty minutes later, we were allowed to land, and started a pretty bumpy ride down through the wind. Minneapolis has just refused to allow spring anywhere near it -- and instead, we had winter biting at us the whole way down. 

When we finally landed, I think everyone on the plane breathed a little better. We said goodbye to the pilot (who really deserved an award for his landing) and headed to baggage, which was crowded with several flights even though carousels all around us were empty.

On the other hand, a truly sweet gentleman grabbed my luggage for me. And my husband carried practically everything, because he's the next best thing to an angel. 

And yes--it's good to be home. It always is.

Still trying to be positive!

How'd I do?

Airplane photo: Sean MacEntee

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